Friday, August 25, 2017

Wikipedia Trail from Hell to Higher Education

File:Hortus Deliciarum - Hell.jpg
Hell- Found via Wikipedia
Hell- I started here because there is a possibility I will be doing my semester-long project.  I found it incredible just how wide-spread the concept of hell is in all sorts of cultures!

Demon- Found via Wikipedia
Demon- I was led here from hell because I wanted to learn more about the inhabitants of the environment my story might be in.  Once again, it was incredible just how many types of creatures from so many cultures there have been within mythology and folklore!
File:Plato Silanion Musei Capitolini MC1377.jpg
Plato- Found via Wikipedia
Plato- I was brought here from demons because he was a prominent figure in the creation of demon myths.  I wanted to learn more about the origins of these demons!

File:Athens - Ancient road to Academy 1.jpg
Athens Academy- Found via Wikipedia
Platonic Academy- Funny how I start in hell and end up right back in higher education!  Plato was a founder of Platonic Academy, the first institution of higher learning in the western world.


  1. Hi again Connor. I clicked on this post because of the hilarious title and was not disappointed. Right around midterms and finals ever semester I always think hell and higher education must be linked somehow, and now I'm learning that they're only a few clicks away from each other. Who knew? But honestly, it's kind of amazing to see how so much is interconnected.

  2. Hi Conner,
    This was a great project idea, congrats on finding something so complicated to learn about and write about for your project. I have not yet found such a topic for mine and I envy yours! From what I've seen of your portfolio you've done an excellent job with this topic! Best of luck with the rest of the semester!

  3. Hi Connor!
    I stumbled upon this post because of how it pertained to your storybook this semester. I'm actually doing the same story and it's fascinating how you started in Hell and ended up in a completely different place. I kind of regret not doing one of these Wikipedia Trails before starting on my project, but it's still turning out great!
