Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Week 12 Reading Part A: English Fairy Tales

The Old Woman and Her Pig

Old woman finds money and buys a pig.  The pig won't jump over a stile, so she tells a dog to bite him but the dog refuses.  She then tells a stick to beat the dog but it also refuses.  She finds fire and tells it to burn the stick but it refuses.  This goes on and on until she tells a cat to kill a rat.  The cat tells her it will kill the rat if she gets it some milk, so she goes to a cow, who then tells her he won't give milk unless she gives him hay.  She gives him hay and the cow gives her milk and she gives the cat milk and the cat starts killing the mouse so the mouse eats rope and it has a chain reaction up until the dog bites the pig who then hops over the stile.  The end.

Domino effect sourced via Max Pixel
I loved this story because of the crazy dynamic of it.  I couldn't believe how long it went on for with the chain reaction!  This was really interesting and I would love to redo this in a chain reaction that is different and more modern!

English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs

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