Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Week 10 Reading Part B: The Hunter And The Uksu'hï

The Hunter And The Uksu'hï

A man living in Georgia goes to visit relatives.  After resting at their place, he went out to hunt.  He was told to not go toward the north where there is a dangerous Uksu'hi snake living around an uprooted tree.  If he went in the area, the snake would coil around him and crush him and drag him into a hole.  Although he hears the warning, this only sparks his curiosity and he goes and finds the snake who is looking the opposite direction.  He runs away, but the snake chases after him and catches up to him.  The snake coils around him, crushing his arm and torso but leaving his other arm free.  He tries clawing at the ground trying to get free but every time he does this the snake knocks him out with its horrible breath.  He then remembers that the snake can't stand the stench of perspiration, so he covers his hand in armpit sweat and when the snake turns to knock him out again with its breath he shoves his hand in its face.  The snake releases him and runs away and the hunter is safe.
File:Coiled Snake Drawing.jpg
Coiled Snake sourced via Wikipedia

This story was very interesting!  I really wonder if you can actually make a snake like this let go of you if you shove your armpit sweat in its face.  If i redid this story, I would put it in a much more modern context and keep the theme of someone doing what they shouldn't and getting in trouble.  Then I would either be evil and make them die from their mistake or find an equally bizarre way to get them out of the situation they get themselves into.


The Hunter And The Uksu'hï by James Mooney

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