Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Week 8 Reading and Writing

Personally, I love the reading and writing assignments.  I love getting creative and writing short stories.  My favorite reading so far has probably been Adam and Eve.  This is because while I have always been quite aware of the beliefs within Christianity, I had never actually read the story and it was quite entertaining!  The reading notes definitely help me, especially if it is a long story, because it allows me to more easily isolate the important factors such as characters and major events and meanings behind the story that allow me to develop a new story easier.  I really love the storybook I am making.  I knew I was going to do something unique, but was worried about if I would be able to come up with a project that made me happy to work on, and I think I did a really good job.  I think my greatest accomplishments have been developing my grammar skills, developing my story telling and creativity skills, and picture sourcing skills.
File:Sandro Botticelli - La Carte de l'Enfer.jpg
Dante's Inferno found on Wikipedia
I love this image because of the complexity of it and the way it shows the different levels of hell, how they become less and less populated but darker and scarier, and eventually lead to the worst of the worst, Satan himself and the other traitors.

I feel like I have been getting a little off schedule and it isn't a good feeling.  Looking forward I think I need to spend more time on this class during a week I don't have as much going on so I can get ahead again.

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