Monday, September 4, 2017

Topic Research for Dante's Inferno

I have chosen to research Dante's Inferno more in depth for my storybook project.

Story Ideas:

Hell on Earth:  This story will focus on how Dante's Inferno is not a place where one goes, but rather a hell that one brings upon themselves through their life choices.  I am thinking I would either do this as a style like that in the song "Guilty Conscience" by Eminem, where the hell is described from a first-person point of view from each person at different levels, or in a style similar to A Christmas Carol where it is more of a third-person perspective.  I think the best basis for the different levels would be Dante's Inferno's 9 circles of hell, because there are quite concrete requirements for each level of hell.  I would modify the exact requirements, but it would be based off this and have fewer levels to keep things shorter.
Ghost with Scrooge in A Christmas Carol: sourced via Wikipedia

Hell in Higher Ed:  This story will be a more comedic style where it is once again either a first-person or third-person perspective of students in college and the different levels of hell that they might experience.  This would either be based upon the major chosen or the year in college they are in.  It will cover the struggles college students go through with their daily lives.  I would obviously be creating my own standards for the different levels of this sort of "hell".

A Way Out: This story will be focused on the concept of a system of hell with different levels and ways out of each of them.  I have found it quite hard to find other literature that cover a topic such as this, which makes things difficult, but also quite exciting!  The closest I could think of or find is the concept of Purgatory, which is more of a limbo state where one can still repent from their sins and save themselves from hell.  This system will not be purgatory, but an actual hell with multiple layers and ways out of them.  This will be either descriptive or from a first person account.

1 comment:

  1. Connor, I LOVE your idea for "hell in higher education"! That could be so funny and not to mention relatable! I can already come up with so many different things you could do with that, I can only imagine what you could cook up in your own creative mind :) Sometimes college can feel like hell, especially around dead week! I think this is a really funny idea and I would love to see what you do with it!
