Saturday, September 23, 2017

Week 6 Reading Notes: Ancient Egypt Part B

The Praying Baker

A king dresses up as a beggar and approaches a bakery.  He sees the owner praying to god and decides that he is going to test his commitment to his prayers.  If he fails the test he will be put to death and if he succeeds he will be given honor.  He then gives the man his ring that is worth a bunch of money as collateral for some bread and commands a Wizar to try to get the man to give the ring away.  He tells the Wizar that if he succeeds he will be given a reward but if not his head will be cut off.  The Wizar's messengers go to the bakery to test their scale they use for flour, and while they are distracted they steal the ring and it is given back to the king.  The king calls in the baker and tells him to give back the ring but when he can't return it the king tells him he has 10 days to get the ring back.  The king then drinks from a river, the ring falls off, a fish eats it, and a fisher gets the fish and starts to try to sell it.  The baker buys the fish not knowing of the ring being in the stomach, finds it, gives it to the king, and everyone rejoices.
File:Unico Anello.png
Ring sourced via Wikipedia

I really liked this story!  I like the twists and turns it makes.  The part that I didn't like, however, was the sadistic mind of the king doing everything in the story.  If I redid this, I would make it so that the king ends up getting his head cut off and I would challenge myself to make a similar sequence of events with entirely different context.


The Praying Baker translated by D.L.R. Lorimer and E.O. Lorimer

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